Saturday, January 21, 2012

How to Detect Javascript is disabled or not ?

Hello friends, After a very long time I write this blog.

Today I got requirement from my friend that he wants to check javascript is enabled or not as the page load. And if javascript is disable then he wants to redirect to another page.

As many of you know that we can put "noscript" tag in the page to execute the code while javascript is disabled.

So i take noscript tag and put meta tag inside that to redirect to another page while javascript is disabled

Below is the code of the same.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Test All IE version at Once

When start to delevope web application , the main point is how the application looks like in cross browser. Splecially for IE's different versions.

Currently i develope one application in my company, and the scope of the application was it should be compatible with IE-7,IE-8 and firefox 3.5 , so we develope the application design according to the requirement.

Suddenly client says that he wants application compatible with IE-6 also ,because most of his users are still using IE-6 .So from now i have to check all developed pages on all IE version. and the current version installed in my system is IE-7 , so every time i have to ask someone to check the page in his system to different version.

I am fade up with this , i search on net and come up with the solution
IE-Tester .You can check more detail regarding this tool at You can also attach different tool with this and test your application with all IE version at once